Bad Voltage in the Power Supply

I am a little bit ill at myself and at the computer power supply I was using in the PC I have hooked up to my TV. I have an old computer running Vista that I use only to stream Netflix onto the big screen TV in my living room. I have a remote control for it and it works fairly okay for what I use it for. The sound is certainly not movie theater quality and it has some problems if I try to use it to play certain types of video off the network. However it was working pretty good for a long time. Then it stopped working about 10 days ago. Obviously I took the power supply off and dropped it off at my brother’s place. He took it into work and used their power supply checker. It passed the test, so I began to replace the motherboard.

It only took two days to get the new motherboard, I guess they must have shipped it from somewhere really near the house.

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